Food Security

Britannia has identified food security as an important area of work recognizing that healthy, affordable, culturally appropriate, and sustainably produced food is a basic right for all community members.

Britannia is a leader in community food security programming largely through the fruitful partnership with the Grandview Woodland Food Connection (GWFC), a neighbourhood organization dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of all community members in the Grandview Woodland neighbourhood by promoting an accessible, just and sustainable food system for our community.

The work of the GWFC is firmly grounded in a community based approach that is inclusive, collaborative, action-oriented, and builds upon the community’s skills and strengths to create a local food system that is accessible, healthy and sustainable. Many of our projects are hands-on and empowering, providing new skills and knowledge which are the foundation of community capacity building.

Principal funding is generously provided by Vancouver Coastal Health's Community Food Action Initiative and Vancouver Social Policy Food Systems.