Grandview Terrace Childcare



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Grandview Terrace Childcare
Address: 2075 Woodland Drive

Grandview Office: Program Coordinator 604.718.5846

Grandview Daycare: 604.336.5042

Grandview OSC II: 604.718.5854

Grandview OSC III: 604.592.9936

Grandview Office Fax: 604.558.3200


Program Coordinator:

Out of School Care II & III Assistant Senior Supervisor:

Daycare Assistant Senior Supervisor:


Grandview Terrace website:  


Grandview Terrace Daycare (3-5 yrs)

Monday-Friday: 7:30am-5:45pm
$995.00 + hot lunch $80.00 = $1075.00/month


Grandview Terrace Out of School Care II & III

Approved $10/day program: LINK []

Monday-Friday: 7:30-9:00am & 3:00-6:00pm

Pro-D Days and District Closures: 7:30am-6:00pm

Grandview Terrace OSC is a year-round program and no longer accepts registration for summer weekly enrollment.


All programs are approved Childcare Fee Reduction Initiative sites and all fees listed are before the fee Reduction has been subtracted.