Planning and Development Committee

The Britannia Planning & Development Committee is the committee responsible for managing Britannia's planning process on behalf of the Board of Management. The committee wants to involve those who use and enjoy Britannia's services and facilities in the planning and re-development of Britannia's 18-acre complex.

Made up of dedicated volunteers, this committee has led the work which has included the involvement and input of hundreds of patrons of Britannia, students, staff, Board members and residents of Grandview Woodland and Strathcona. Information was gathered through many events such as focus groups, surveys, information tables, community engagement exercises, classroom exercises, special events, workshops, meetings and a community wide design workshops. It also included numerous consultations with our site partners, members of the Britannia Board and community organizations. The Committee worked with professionals like DGBK Architects, Hughes Condon Marler (architects) and Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg (planners) to prepare the various documents. We also worked consistently with expertise from the UBC School of Community and Regional Planning and individuals such as Ray Spaxman, retired Director of Planning for the City of Vancouver. We continue to fine-tune our ideas for the renewal of the site.


Today, Britannia’s Planning & Development Committee wants to involve the wide range of people who use and enjoy Britannia’s services and facilities to build on the work that has been done. Over the next few months the Committee will facilitate the review and revision of the Strategic Master Plan to ensure that it continues to be appropriate and relevant.


The Committee would also like to explore and develop other exemplary models of community service facilities that could be a part of the Britannia renewal. Please contribute to the work by: 
 - Joining the Committee which generally meets monthly;
 - Participating in community planning events; 
 - Completing surveys, and;
 - Informing your neighbours and friends
The Planning & Development Committee meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, 6:30-8:30pm, Information Centre Board Room.
For archived meeting notes, info on upcoming meetings and more information, please visit the new site devoted solely to the planning & development of the Britannia Renewal:
Contact , Executive Director, at 604.718.5815